Welcome to our new website!

Parents Information


Children should be in school within good time for the start of the morning session. The school gates and building are open between 8.40am and 8.50am. Children enter the school building and make their own way to classes. At 8.50am the front gates are locked and any children arriving after this time must report to the school office and 'signed in; by a parent.

The times of the school day are as follows:

Reception and KS1 (total time 31.25hrs): 8.50am – 3.05pm (1 hour lunch break)
KS2 (total time 32.5hrs): 8.50am – 3.15pm (1 hour lunch break)

At the end of the school day, children are collected from the main playground.

Children who access after school clubs or the ‘Late Owls’ club will be taken to their clubs at the end of the school day.

Children who are not picked up on time at the end of the school day or from their after school club will be placed in the school’s ‘Late Owls’ club where there may be a charge.

Access to School
For the safety of our children, the school gates are locked at 8.50 am and unlocked at 3.pm. Between these times, access to the school is via the main entrance in Sancreed Road.

In the event of a school closure for bad weather, parents will be notified before 7.30am via a text message. Signs will be placed on the front school gate and our website front page will indicate the school closure.

School staff will accept into school any child who arrives at school on their own. Parents will then be contacted and ask to pick up their child from school.

In the event of an early closure of school due to poor weather, parents will be notified via text message. All children will be kept at school until they are picked up by a parent. In the situation of ‘early closure’ there will be no Late Owls Club in operation.

No car should ever stop on the zig-zag lines. This area is to be kept clear at all times.

A voluntary one-way system operates around the school in the morning and the afternoon. Cars should travel down Newlyn Way into Sancreed Road and exit via Northmere Road. Parents are asked to observe this at all times.

No car should ever park on double yellow lines. It is illegal, extremely dangerous and subject to a fixed penalty.

If you do wish to park your car and walk your child into school, or collect your child at the end of the day, we ask that you park your car on the south side of Sancreed Road, in Newlyn Way or on Northmere Road.

The staff car park is for staff cars and we ask that parents do not use this car park under any circumstances.