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Prayer and Worship

All classes explore different types of prayer at the start of the school year and make a class ‘Prayer Book’ which is visited and added to throughout the year. Our daily cycle to prayer includes morning, lunch, afternoon and at opportune times of the day. In addition, after lunch pupils participate in ‘Christian Meditation’ which enables pupils a quiet and reflective time to ‘open up’ to Jesus’ message.

All classrooms have a focal point which provides a focus for daily individual and class prayer and this is regularly monitored by the Mini Vinnies (Chaplains). As a result, our pupils experience and appreciate a wide range of prayer and this has a positive impact on their spiritual and moral development.

Whole School Liturgy: Each week the whole school gathers together to celebrate the Word of God. This is led by a member of SLT and focuses on the Sunday Gospel. Pupils are given the opportunity to reflect on their personal call to service.

Year Group Worship: Year groups gather together once a week to celebrate and worship following the newly acquired TenTen worship resources. These are led by teachers and pupils.

Class Worship: These are weekly and celebrate a Gospel Value linking to our Behaviour Policy. Here we share and explore our Gospel Value of the week. Our Gospel and Core Values are integral in enhancing pupils’ spiritual and moral development.

Phase Worship (upper School and Lower School): These are weekly and celebrate our achievements each week. Certificates are rewarded to children who have demonstrated our Gospel Value of the week.

Upper School Mass / Lower School Liturgy: Each class leads a celebration with a Mass or a liturgy once a year. These take place in school and provide an opportunity for us to invite family members and members of a Parish community to attend.

Whole School Mass: We have whole school Mass in both parish churches four times a year (and once on the playground!). This enables us to invite the whole school community, parents, and members of the Parish. Pupils walk a considerable distance to church which enables them to explore the idea of pilgrimage.